Obama Orders ‘Immediate Stand-down’ After Deadly North Korean Attack
Obama Orders ‘Immediate Stand-down’ After Deadly North Korean Attack
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Russian foreign military intelligence directorate (GRU) reports circulating in the Kremlin today are stating that President Obama has ordered all United Nations Forces on the Korean Peninsula into “immediate stand-down” over fears South Korea will retaliate against the North for the deadly missile attack on one of its ships that has left an estimated 46 of its Naval Forces dead and warned liable to start a nuclear weapons exchange should tensions escalate further.
Sparking this latest conflict was an “unprovoked” attack on South Korea’s Cheonan warship [photo 2nd left], a Pohang-class corvette (PCC-772), patrolling in neutral waters of the Yellow Sea when it was struck by a Chinese made Silkworm missile fired from a North Korean shore battery. So powerful was the resulting explosion the Cheonan was torn in half and 46 of its 104 member crew were annihilated.
[Note: Western reports show that
Upon the Cheonan’s sinking, its sister warship Daecheon (PCC-777) also patrolling these waters obliterated the North Korean shore battery that had fired the Silkworm missile with sustained artillery fire, after which no further hostilities were reported.
South Korea in following Obama’s orders not to escalate tensions in this already volatile region is reporting to its people that the Cheonan’s sinking remains ‘mysterious’ and that the artillery fired by the Daecheon was not directed at North Korea, but was ‘mistakenly’ directed at a flock of birds.
Important to note about this conflict are its origins from the aftermath of World War II when upon the Empire of Japan’s surrender (who ruled over the Korean peoples since 1910) the
Open conflict between the West and East on the
So successful was General MacArthur’s war strategy that by late October, 1950, his forces had nearly totally annihilated the North Korean troops opposing him and were nearing the
1 October 1950, Kim Il-sung sent a telegram to
5 October, under pressure from Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai, the Chinese Communist Central Committee finalized the decision of military intervention in
11 October, Stalin and Zhou Enlai sent a joint signed telegram to Mao, stating:
11 October, Stalin and Zhou Enlai sent a joint signed telegram to Mao, stating:
1.Chinese troops are ill prepared and without tanks and artillery; requested air cover would take two months to arrive.
2.Within one month, fully equipped troops need to be in position; otherwise, US troops would step over the 38 parallel line and take over
3.Fully equipped troops could only be sent into
12 October, 15:30
12 October, 22:12
12 October, Stalin sent a telegram to Kim Il-sung, telling him: "Russian and Chinese troops are not coming."
13 October, the Soviet ambassador in
So as the Americans were preparing to celebrate their victory over North Korea the Chinese were preparing to unleash nearly 500,000 of their troops into this conflict, and which on November 1, 1950 they in fact did leading to a crushing defeat of UN Forces and causing the West’s retreat to the 38th Parallel of the Peninsula where the war then broke down into a virtual stalemate after America’s President, Harry Truman, refused MacArthur’s pleas to use nuclear weapons.
[Note: So enraged was MacArthur against President Truman that rumors swirled that the World War II hero general was going to disobey his President’s orders and nuke Chinese forces anyway, and which when heard by Truman caused him to fire one of the arguably most famous generals in the history of the United States.]
By the summer of 1953 both the West and East knew that without the use of nuclear weapons the war could not be won by either side so on July 27th an Armistice Agreement between the Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Command, the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army and the Commander of the Chinese People's volunteers was signed ceasing open hostilities, but not ending the war which continues to this very day.
Important to note is that then South Korean President Syngman Rhee refused to sign the Armistice Agreement brokered between the West and East and, also, to this very day
North Korea’s reason for launching this latest attack upon the South, these reports continue, was its growing anger over reports that the United States and South Korea were preparing to destabilize and then bring down their communist regime, and which this past week US Forces Korea Commander Gen. Walter Sharp in testifying before the American Congress warned of the need for “urgent preparation” for the sudden regime collapse of North Korea’s government and military structure.
Interestingly about Obama in his administrations dealings with North Korea was his decision last month to leave them off of Americas list of countries supporting terror by his stating they “do not meet the statutory criteria” for inclusion that automatically imposes sanctions. Leading one to wonder if the World’s most rogue regime who for decades has supplied nuclear weapon and missile technology to some of the most dangerous Nations on Earth can’t be called a terrorist state then who can?
Former President Bush, on the other hand, had no qualms about calling North Korea what it in fact is, a terror state, when on January 29, 2002 in what is now called his “Axis of Evil” speech before the US Congress he named them along with Iraq and Iran as the three most dangerous Nations on Earth.
Since Obama’s taking office though, what was to Bush the “Axis of Evil” appears to be the new American Presidents “Trio of Buddies” as he continues to protect the Iranians while they construct an atomic bomb, Iraq has essentially become a protectorate of the Iranians, and now North Korea is allowed to attack US allies at will with no fear of retaliation…all occurring at the same time that he has turned his back on one of the United States most stalwart allies, Israel.
To what America has become there can no longer be any doubt, as aside from Obama’s refusing to listen to his own people suffering under the cruel communist regime being erected all around them, Americas once stalwart allies are now being cast aside too.
And to those Americans not believing what is happening to them under their “change” President they should pay closer attention; such as when this past week
At least Fidel knows a fellow communist dictator when he sees one, too bad the American people can’t see it too.
© March 28, 2010 EU and US all rights reserved
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
북한군의 공격이후 오바마가 "즉각적인 작전 중단" 명령을 내리다.
오늘, 크레믈린에 돌고있는 러시아 외교 군사 정보 보고서(GRU)에 따르면 오바마 대통령이 한반도에 주둔하는 미군에게 "즉각적인 작전 중단"(“immediate stand-down” ) 명령을 내렸다. 이 명령은 한국의 군함에 대한 북한의 미사일 공격에 남한이 보복할 것이라는 우려에서 나왔다. 오바마는 긴장이 고조되면 핵전쟁이 일어날지 모른다고 경고했다.
이 최근의 불꽃튀는 충돌은 황해의 중립 해역을 순찰하고 있던 남한의 천안함[사진 왼쪽 두번째](포항급 콜벳함(PCC-772))을 북한 해안포대에서 발포한 중국제 실크웜 미사일이 별다른 이유없이 공격하면서 시작됐다. 이 미사일은 아주 강력해서 천안함은 반으로 쪼개지고 46명의 선원이 죽었다.
[Note : 서구 보도에 의하면 북한은 지난 여름 부터 이 공격을 준비하면서, 북방 한계선에서 남한 해군과의 교전을 대비해 실크웜 미사일 인력들을 훈련해왔다고 한다.]
천안호가 침몰하자 근처를 순찰중이던 대천호(PCC-777)가 실크웜 미사일을 발사한 북한 해안포대를 일정시간동안 함포로 공격했고, 이후에 추가적인 충돌은 보고되지 않았다.
이미 불안정한 지역에서 긴장을 고조시키지 말라는 오바마의 명령에 따라, 남한정부는 천안호의 침몰 원인은 알수없으며 대천호(속초호?)의 함포공격은 북한을 겨냥한게 아니고 새떼를 잘못보고 사격을 했다고 국민에게 보도하고있다.
이 충돌에서 중요한 점은 세계 2차 대전에서 기원했다는 점이다. 2차 대전 당시 (한국을 1910년부터 통치해온) 일본 제국주의가 항복하면서 한반도는 서구의 지배를 받는 남쪽 절반과 공산주의인 중공과 소련이 지배하는 북쪽 절반으로 분할 통치 되었다.
[... 이후 한국전쟁 발발 및 관련해서 장황한 설명... 해석하기 졸 짱나네....]
한반도에서의 서구와 동구의 충돌은 195년 6월 25일에 시작되었는데, 이 때 공산주의자들이 지지하던 북쪽 군대가 남쪽을 침범하여 전 국토를 거의 성공적으로 점령했으나, 더글라스 맥아더가 이끌던 미국 군대가 1950년 9월 15일에 남한에서 세번째로 큰 도시인 인천에 상륙하면서 이러한 북쪽의 계획은 틀어지게 되었다.
1950년 10월말까지 맥아더 장군의 전술은 매우 성공적이었고, 그의 군대는 북한군을 거의 전멸시키다시피 했으며, 중공의 군사 분계선까지 진출하기에 이르렀다.그러나 맥아더가 방심하는 사이, 중공과 소련이 미국이 북한을 성공적으로 분쇄하도록 허락하지 않았다. 그리고, 아래와 같이 중공 지도자 마오쩌둥과 소련의 지도자 조셉 스탈린 (발음이 맞나??) 의 통신 내역을 확인할 수 있다.
1950/10/1, 김일성이 중공으로 군사 개입을 요청하는 전보를 보냄. 같은 날, 중공군을 북한으로 보내라는 스탈린의 전보를 마오쩌둥이 받음.
10/5, 마오쩌둥과 팽덕회(당시 국방부장)의 압력으로 중공 중앙 위원회는 한국에 군대를 보내기로 결정함.
10/11, 스탈린과 주은래가 함께 사인한 전보를 마오쩌둥에게 보냄.
- 1. 중공군은 탱크와 대포도 없이 준비가 불충분하고, 요청된 공군 지원은 도착하는데 2개월 걸림.
- 2. 1개월 내에, 완벽하게 준비된 군대가 주둔해야 함. 아니면, 미군이 38도선을 넘어 북한을 점령할 것임.
- 3. 완벽하게 준비된 군대는 한국에 6개월 내로 보내질 것임. 그러면, 북한은 미군에게 점령당할 것이고, 군대 자체가 아무런 의미가 없어짐.
10/12, 15:30 베이징 시각, 마오쩌둥이 소련 대사를 통해 스탈린에게 전보를 보냄 : "나(마오쩌둥)은 그대들(스탈린과 주은래)의 의견에 동의함."
10/12, 22:12 베이징 시각, 마오쩌둥이 따로 전보를 하나 더 보냄 : "10월 10일 전보에 동의함; 한국 작전으로 내 군대를 진격하라는 명령을 하달했음."
10/12, 스탈린에 김일성에게 전보를 보냄: "소련과 중공군은 개입하지 않는다."
10/13, 베이징 소련 대사가 스탈린에게 전보를 전달: 중공 중앙 위원회는 한국으로 군대를 보내기로 결정했음.
미국이 북한군 점령 축하 행사를 준비하는 동안, 중공은 거의 50만에 가까운 군대를 투입하려고 준비하고 있었다. 그리고, 1950년 11월 1일 정말로 그들은 UN군에게 참패를 안기며 38도선까지 밀고 내려왔다. 그 곳에서 미대통령 해리 트루먼이 맥아더의 핵투하 계획을 거부하며 전쟁은 중단된다.
[Note : 트루먼 대통령에게 매우 화가난 맥아더는 2차대전 영웅 장군이 대통령의 명령을 어기고 중공군에 핵폭탄을 투하할 것이라는 소문을 퍼뜨린다. 결국 이 소식을 접한 트루먼 대통령은 미국 역사에서 가장 유명한 장군 맥아더를 해임하기에 이른다.]